I just ran across this little article about Diabetes drugs. This world of drugs never ceases to amaze me. There are fantastic, natural options other than drugs to create health and healing in the body. But get a read of this…

6/28/2010 By Lindsey Tanner, AP Medical Writer

CHICAGO – A new study led by a federal drug safety expert ties the controversial diabetes drug Avandia to a higher risk of heart problems, strokes and deaths in older adults, and says it is more dangerous than a rival drug, Actos. The study, a huge review of Medicare records, comes two weeks ahead of a Food and Drug Administration hearing on Avandia’s safety. The lead author, David Graham, is an FDA scientist who wants the pill banned.

“As many as 100,000 heart attacks, strokes, deaths and cases of heart failure may be due to Avandia since it came on the market in 1999,” Graham said in an interview with The Associated Press. Harms from Avandia are great enough to “put you in a hospital or in a cemetery,” he said.

Editors at the Journal of the American Medical Association rushed to release the study online on Monday, so the information would be available before the July 13-14 hearing, a spokeswoman said. Avandia is used for Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease and the kind often tied to obesity. Avandia and Actos are pills that help the body make better use of insulin, a key digestive hormone. The American Heart Association issued a statement reminding patients not to stop taking any medicine without talking with their doctors first. The new study is not definitive enough to prove harm but “deserves serious consideration” and should be discussed between patients and their doctors, the statement says.

Chiropractic Salem OR

April 9, 2010

A One-Year Review

What began as an icy, storming 2009
turned into one of the most beautiful
autumns I have ever seen in Oregon.
Electricity at my house was gone for six
days, including Christmas day. I am more
thankful for things that go unseen.

PERSONALLY: I slipped and fell on the ice
last winter (remember the ice, which was
really 2008), and aggravated my fractured
back from eight months prior. We did our
magic at the clinic and I didn’t miss a
beat; thankful for that, it could’ve been
so much worse.

Our Siamese cat of about 14 years had
always been a feisty feline. She would
bite sometimes when petted, and usually
darted away when she was approached.
Every spring she would drop some animal,
usually a mole, off at the front door or
at some other place for us to see. In the
past 4 months she acted very clingy and
had other strange behavior that was not
like herself. I told my wife that she
wasn’t going to be around much longer.
About three weeks ago she went off to
die. I tried looking for her around the
place but had a feeling she went deep
under brush and laid herself to rest.
Life around here won’t be the same but as
one part ends, another begins…

POLITICALLY: After 20 years of having two
state chiropractic associations, both
merged. I was asked to be on the newly
merged state association board and have
now served my first year term.
Politics nationally: The health politics
has been more chaotic than ever. One
topic has been the Swine Flu/media blitz.
Like I said about the Avian Bird Flu
three years ago (do you remember?): “here
we go again, an invented disease to sell
a drug — Tamiflu, in this case.” No,
actually in both cases. I wonder what
megalo-company was behind that and what
politicians are on their board. Expect
two things: 1) “Swine flu” will go away
quietly and won’t be back, and 2) Another
“scary disease” will show up within two
years; in the fall, to be specific.
The other political health topic is
National Health Care. All I can say is
you can’t mandate health. Health care is
a personal responsibility.

MOTORCYCLING: I took four cycle rides,
that meant anything. Two rides were with
my regular chiropractor buddies and we
covered the state — the best. The ride
with the Harley dudes was hilarious and
left an indelible impression about what
it takes to be a Harley rider — I ain’t
got it. The most insane ride was when I
was riding alone, out in the middle of
nowhere central Oregon, on a dirt rode,
down into a canyon. I learned a lot about
myself out there and realized, yes, there
is a God who I promised I’d do anything
if I came out alive (I don’t recall what
exactly I promised). I might still be
there under my bike, with a broken leg,
eating worms, and fending off wild
animals. I won’t be doing that again.

I did close to 100 hours of continuing
education (only need 20). This past year
I have been exposed to more exciting
FUNCTIONAL clinical protocols than I have
in the past 10 years combined. By
functional, I mean finding out how the
body is not working and assisting it
toward healing rather than letting a
disease process begin.
This year we added:
• Neurological Testing and Brain-
Based Treatments
• Concentrated Oxygen Therapy
• Glutathione Therapy
I will explain each of these incredible
procedures to you very soon. These will
help people with Chronic Fatigue,
Fibromyalgia, Dizziness, Chronic Pain…

COLON HEALTH — the four “R’s”
1. Remove bad food. You know what they are.

2. Reinoculate. You have to add supplemental
probiotics. Yogurt won’t do. We have a complete
array of billions of natural bacteria that comes in a
little capsule.

3. Replace. Digestive help comes as simple as adding
digestive enzymes for stomach and pancreas function
and a form of hydrochloric acid for your stomach. In
addition, your gall bladder may need support and it
definitely does need support if it’s gone (no, now your
liver does!) We carry all these nutritional

4. Repair. You may have “leaky gut” where your
intestines are so inflamed that you leak food particles,
bacteria, and other substances through it. Big trouble!
We may use glutamine or a formula called “Total
Leaky Gut”. You will have allergies that need to be

DIET — You may just have to change your diet again.
I’m going to bring this up the first of the year but get
ready: no grain, no gluten, no sugar, lots of fresh
vegetables, clean, high‐quality proteins and fats.

The very least you can do about diet is to reduce your
sugar intake! America has an addiction to sugar, fast
food, and a grain‐based diet that has made a nation of
carbohydrate‐addicts riding the highs and lows of
blood sugar swings. The average American consumes
200 pounds of sugar. Soon 1 out of 3 people will have
diabetes. Scandalous!

I see diabetes happen right in front of my eyes when I
watch kids ordering syrup in their coffee while having
a scone or French fries and sodas (for breakfast!!!)
Nothing could be worse. These kids are well on the
way to hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

When you have a daily sugar rush, your body cannot
maintain a stable blood sugar level over time. This is
called DYSGLYCEMIA. Dysglycemia weakens and
inflames the digestive tract, weakens the immune
barriers of the gut, lungs and brain, drives the adrenal
glands into exhaustion, sets the stage for hormonal
imbalances (premenstrual syndrome, polycystic
ovary syndrome, or a miserable menopause), clogs
the body’s attempts at detoxification, impairs fatty
acid metabolism, and slows general metabolism.

LOW BLOOD SUGAR — Hypoglycemia happens
when your pancreas pumps out too much insulin to
reduce the sugar in your blood (from your cereal,
pastries, pasta salads, and sugary lattes). What’s left is
a drop in your blood sugar. When this happens you
loose your short‐term memory, become grouchy and
explosive, and if you don’t eat too soon, become
fatigued and sleepy.

HIGH BLOOD SUGAR—Hyperglycemia happens
when you have too much sugar in your blood. This
condition is serious because now even when your
body pumps out insulin, your cells can’t take the
sugar. They may have become resistant to insulin. We
call this Metabolic Syndrome, Syndrome X, or Prediabetes.

There has been a chronic release of insulin
to battle your constant sugar intake but the cells are
so exhausted they refuse any more. You may feel like
you’re hungry all the time, even after a meal. People
will turn the extra sugar into fat and carry it around
their belly. I’m guessing that we’re close to 50% of the
population is in this category. You must repent of
your dietary ways or face more health challenges
because you are making the way for chronic diseases
to take hold.

With either hypoglycemia or insulin resistance, you
must change your diet! No exceptions! You cannot
continue eating what you please when you please.
You cannot continue missing meals or snaking on
sugar and starch. The worst thing you can do is eat
more carbohydrates. And do not, under any
circumstances, think you can eat sugar substitutes!
These are poisons and toxins to your body! You must
eat real foods that stabilize your blood sugar. It may
be challenging because of your sugar cravings and
addiction to certain foods, but after a few weeks your
body will change and you will start craving good
foods that are healthy for you. Stick with it!

STRESS — I talk about stress all the time. If you are
experiencing chronic stress you are overworking your
adrenal glands and profoundly affecting your
gastrointestinal system—weakening it. If your
chronic stress is not dealt with, you cannot heal your
leaky gut, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal
conditions. Most of us need adrenal gland support in
the form of some kind of adrenal supplement. Support
to your adrenal glands will in turn help take a load off
of the rest of your body. But, you must deal with the
stress. Stress is only of two origins: internal and
external. Sounds easy. What is going on in your life
that you can reasonably change to reduce your
external stress?

application in an office visit.

Let’s go back to the clinic. Nerves relate to muscles.
Muscles relate to organs. Everything is interconnected.
Even teeth are related to muscles and
organs. So far so good? Now get ready for some
amazing applications to all that we have discussed.
Here is the magic of muscle testing. If you have been
bad to your adrenal glands, asking them to pump out
more adrenalin than they should reasonably do in a
day or year, the muscles related to this gland are
probably not going to work as well. The gland has a
direct relation to its muscle. So if I test your gracilis
muscles and they are weak on both sides of your body
I might say to you: “You are under stress because
your adrenal glands are overworked because your
gracilis muscles are weak.” And if I test one of your
immune related muscles, the infraspinatous (related
to your spleen), and your lower trapezius (related to
your thymus), and they are weak on both sides of
your body, I might say to you: “You have an immune
system problem.” I won’t know how deep‐seated the
problems are but you are either under an infection
attack or beginning one. At this point I don’t know
what kind of shape your gut is in but if you are like
most people, it’s not great.

Back to the weak muscles. And by weak I don’t mean
I’m stronger than you. I mean when I test your muscle
it goes mushy. What has happened is that your muscle
circuit has blown. The muscle is a circuit breaker for
your glands and organs. When the muscle circuit has
blown, it has to be re‐set. Exercise won’t do this,
thinking about it won’t do this, pills won’t do this. It
has to be re‐set manually or with a laser on the
specific muscle point.

Before I re‐set the muscle I will test for a specific
nutrient or nutrient compound to help the circuit hold
and tell you to stop doing the things that you are
doing that have made this problem in the first place.
Is it possible to have multiple muscle circuits not
working? Yes, this is the way most of us are and why
we have all kinds of health problems. These muscle
weaknesses are the body’s clues that something isn’t

During an office visit, after the muscle reflexes are reset,
the glands and organs involved literally come
back to life and begin taking on their functions again.
Many times however, the circuits, muscles, glands and
organs have not been working for so long it takes
multiple times to re‐set and allow the body to heal.
Yes, you get to come back.

Your immunity begins with your digestive tract. It
doesn’t come in an antibiotic or vaccine. You have a
great built-in system for dealing with all the germs in
the world!

There are several other specific glands/organs that
help with immunity—spleen, thymus, adrenals, brain,
lymphatics to name a few.

The way we can check your immunity is to test the
correlated muscles. If we challenge a muscle while
asking the right questions your body will almost always
tell us what is wrong. It gives signs and symptoms that
we use to help you get better.

The most important thing you can do is live a lifestyle
that is helpful for your body to heal and repair.


60% of Your Immune System is Found in Your Gut!

“All diseases begin in the gut”, said Hippocrates. And back when he said this they didn’t have all the junk we have today. Gastrointestinal problems are the most overlooked and most common health problems today. Who do you know that doesn’t have digestive problems? How many TV commercials talk to you about digestion offers?

Billions of dollars are spent every year on digestive aids. While the drugs offer temporary and sometimes immediate relief, the underlying causes of the problems go ignored, and people end up far worse down the road.

Problems with digestion lead to immune system problems. The lining of the gut is an important immune barrier and poor gut health leads to autoimmune diseases, thyroid problems, immune problems…

GUT FLORA — One of the first things to go in a poor digestion is your gut flora or bacteria. Normally, you have 3-4 pounds of natural bacteria in your gut designed to help your digestion and immunity. But how many antibiotics have you taken that kill off your natural bacteria? How much food do you eat that has antibiotics added?

One of the very first things we do to help people is get them on PROBIOTICS. You have to replenish your natural gut bacteria and stop killing them off. A good source of Probiotics is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

STOMACH ACID — Another common problem is low stomach acid. When food is not digested it putrefies, ferments, and becomes rancid in the stomach (gas—eek!) The small intestine won’t accept the rotting mess so it backs up into the esophagus irritating the delicate tissue causing heartburn. But eventually this rotting mess does pass through the small intestine where it causes inflammation, infection, and intestinal permeability called LEAKY GUT — this is an intestine so sore it has tiny holes in it.

In any case you need a hydrochloric acid supplement so your stomach gets to a more acid state to digest your food. Also, stop drinking sodas and energy drinks, taking Tums, and eating poorly digestible foods like pizzas. These cause pH imbalances!

FAT DIGESTION — We’re talking about your gall bladder, and if you happened to lose it along the way — pay even closer attention. The fats you eat-and you need fat in your diet-have to be coated with bile so they don’t become rancid and produce inflammation and infection in your gut. Guess where bile is made—in your gall bladder. If you have pain after meals someone may suggest that you have your gall bladder removed. You do and wa la, you can eat anything now. But has actually happened is that you have had such a poor diet that your poor gall bladder doesn’t work well so it doesn’t release enough bile. You get symptoms telling you this. Amazing! A sluggish gallbladder causes your liver’s detoxification pathways to back up so you cannot detoxify hormones, toxins, and other metabolites.

If you have had your gall bladder removed or have chronic pain under your ribs on your right side you need gall bladder support now and probably forever.

For more great info go to

Health Statistics

October 12, 2009

“Women who walk 4 hours/week lower the risk of breast cancer by 33%.”
Thune, I. et al., “Physical Activity and the risk of Breast Cancer,” New England Journal of Medicine 336 (1997): 1269-1275.

“The four countries that have the highest consumption of dairy products, are also the 4 nations with the highest rates of Osteoporosis: Finland, Sweden, United States, and England.”
McDougall, John, McDougall’s Medicine . (Picataway, NJ: New Century Publishers, 1985) p. 67
“Approximately 33% of cancer deaths are related to physical inactivity, poor nutrition and excessive weight.”

American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2006. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society; 2006.

Makes you wonder what’s going on in society.
Dr Peter Lind

Protein Shake Rage

October 11, 2009

Protein drinks have become popular in our fastpaced
society, but aside from offsetting high carbs
or saving time, what are the health benefits to look
for in a protein powder?

Before you go to the local store and buy protein in
a can make sure to read the ingredients. The
protein powder should provide the amino acids
(the building blocks) for cell receptors, enzymes,
hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies, muscle
tissue, signaling peptides, cell repair and the
necessary precursors for thousands of other
biochemical reactions. Some protein powders have
SPROUTS from cruciferous vegetables that have 50-
100 times the amounts of disease-fighting
phytochemicals than actual plants themselves!

These are the best!

Some other benefits to look for: anti-inflammatory
support, weight support, detoxification support,
bone support, immune support and overall health

Here is how I make a shake for two people:
¾ glass filtered water
2 spoonfuls Stonyfield yogurt
½ cup frozen blueberries
¼ cup coconut
2 bananas
1 spoonful flax seed
Grind this in a Vitamix for 45 seconds then add:
2 scoops Total Green Protein
2 scoops UltraMeal

Then I grind again for about 20 seconds.

This is a great general health protein shake. I make
it about 3-4 mornings each week. The other days of
the week its eggs.

Now depending on what you want to accomplish
you can add any nutritional support that we have
in the clinic. For example, to increase immune
support add Total Bac-T or Total Multimune. For
inflammatory support add Total Inflam. For weight
support add Total Trim. For detoxification add Total
Systemic Detox. You get the idea.

See, you get it all and that’s just in the morning!
Total Green protein is $42 and gives 53 scoops.
That’s $0.77 per scoop of some of the best
concentrated nutrition on the planet. (It comes
from Wyoming)

I wouldn’t dream of offering you what I’ve seen on
the shelves in town. Some are like eating plaster.
Some are so overloaded with amino acids, to get
the ripped effect, that your muscles will go into
catabolism. Most protein powders have an
unconscious amount of fillers.

Total Green has whey which helps heavy metal
detoxification and is loaded with cruciferous sprouts
which protect against cancer. It has fiber and
suppresses appetite helps control blood sugar, and
weight. It has kelp that helps the thyroid and
adrenal glands. It helps support the immune system.

Do this a few times a week and enjoy good health.

Getting Through the Holidays NOW!

Let’s begin with Halloween. You have two choices: 1.
Eat candy 2. Don’t eat candy

To make this more palatable, before you eat any Halloween
candy do this: READ THE INGREDIENTS FIRST! If you find high
fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, processed
molasses, processed honey, malto dextrin, soy lecithin,
aspartame; please remember if these are not toxic they are
fat makers. Your body does not have natural metabolic
pathways to break these chemicals down correctly.

If you want to play the Halloween game decide now what you
want to have on hand for yourself; raisins, apples, almonds.
For the little tykes—do the best you can (why do we feed
them all the junk?). You may want to limit their intake to a
small bowl—that’s still too much. But this is you we’re talking

Thanksgiving. Oh the feasting. This is my favorite holiday.
I always try to think about being more thankful and I will try
again this year. I hope you have some things to be thankful

But the food! And the football! And the shopping! (I admit to
shopping a little but can take only so much then I have to find
a coffee shop and read a book).

Thanksgiving meal is usually way overdone. There are foods
that only come out on this Thursday. The problem here is the
food combination. We have carbohydrates mixing with all
other kinds of fats and proteins. Sweet potatoes, cranberry
sauce, applesauce, breads, stuffing…you name it, it shows up
at the table. Then add some kind of pie or fantastic dessert
and you are in for it.

Think about what you are doing to yourself. The turkey
(protein) is trying to digest with all the carbs you’ve
overloaded on. You have created a war zone in your digestive
system and there’s no chance of being unscathed. You fight it
out until all you see is the floor to which you succumb to,
with a pillow. And it doesn’t matter what game is on or what
store is open—you’re finished.

A rational approach to Thanksgiving. Decide before you
even sit down, like today, that you are not going to stuff
yourself, no matter who made it, whose house you are
invited to, or how good it looks. You can’t eat it all and you’re
going to regret eating too much. So decide now that you will
have a little of this, none of that, and a larger portion of live
salads (Jell‐O, pistachio salad, cranberry salad, and the like
are not real salads). One or no bread. A small portion of
yams. A little drink of water (juice is artificial sugar—read the
ingredients, a little wine, never milk). And if you need
dessert, wait an hour or two. It will taste better if you really
want it (I will have a little pumpkin pie—mom’s coming).
Help clear the kitchen and an hour later take a walk. What
could be easier! A good meal and no regrets.

Christmas Season. If we make it through Halloween and
Thanksgiving without a hitch we begin the Christmas
season…a month‐long assault of all kinds of goodies that
people come out of the woodwork to offer. Some of these
kind people decide that they will take up cooking and baking
during December and stand grinning wide, holding a plate of
their “goodies” for you to test. Be careful. They mean well
but it is not in your best interest. (This of course does not
apply to you who bring in your wonderful works to us.)
Getting through December is the toughest. But MAKE YOUR
RULES now about food and goodies before it comes uponyou.
Don’t wait for New Year’s resolution which is nothing more
than public repentance for ending the year badly.

As New Year’s approaches you will not feel guilty, you will
feel better, and you will have a much better beginning of the
New Year. Do this for yourself this time around.

The following list comes from MY LAST DIET. If you want the
entire handout please email us and ask for it. If you follow
this list you will stay mostly on track.

• Soft drinks and Diet soft drinks (they’re worse!)
• Splenda/Aspartame/Nutrisweet (blue or pink
packs = poison!)
• Glutamate as in monosodium glutamate, MSG
• French fries
• Doughnuts
• Potato chips
• Refined protein powders
• Margarine, Crisco
• Trans-fats, partly hydrogenated fats/oils
• Hydrogenated oils, all low-cost vegetable oils:
soy, corn, canola
• cottonseed (not even edible)
• Mayonnaise (not the ones advertised)
• Iodized salt (its inorganic)
• Soy in any form: milk, meat, protein, formula, tofu
It blocks minerals and enzymes.
• White flour, white bread, and all flour products
• White sugar
• Evaporated cane juice
• Organic cane sugar
• Corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup

There you have it. You’re on your way to making it
through the end of the year.

Dr Peter Lind

Chiropractor Salem OR

October 5, 2009

Seattle Wellness Conference 2009
This is an update of the latest wellness information:

Wellness Update

September 15, 2009

Your Newsletter is in the press and about to be delivered via mail to the comfort of your home any day. There is another motorcycle story that is going to be reprinted in the Oregon Triumph Newsletter next month. Also, a couple of other health insights and a wellness contest we’re all going to get involved with. This has never been done and I’m looking forward to it—a great way to get through the holidays and New Year, healthy. I know it’s too early to think about it but we’re all going to begin this next month.

The Flu:
It used to be that the flu season came and went without so much as a media blurb about it. Some people got sick, some didn’t, but we all got over it.

(The CDC lists 36,000 people die every year from the flu—what they don’t say is that most of these people die from complications of pneumonia and respiratory problems–the real number is less that 1,200 and those are the severely imununologically compromised).

Now, thanks to the media we all know when it will arrive—around the middle of September. Hey, that’s now. And you know people in masses run out and get the flu shot.

But here’s something they don’t know. When anyone questions you about you not getting a flu shot, have them read this article that just came out from Science News: “Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu”

I know I sound like a broken record but when you understand vaccines you either understand health or sickness.

In health,
Dr Peter Lind

Wellness Care Salem OR – A complete description of wellness care for chronic health problems.


Sep 3, 2009 – Chronic health problems are increasing at an insurmountable pace in the United States with no slowing in sight. The proliferation of pharmaceuticals and other drugs has caused a deep dependence on the companies that supply them. There are few programs in the health and wellness industry that offer natural protocols and procedures to help a person healing and wholeness.

A new chronic wellness program of care has been designed for the person with a chronic health problem. It is specifically for the complex, multi-system health conditions that a person has had for years. Qualification of care is based on:
A. How serious the health conditions are presently.
B. The number of health conditions a person has presently.
C. How long a persona has had the health conditions.
D. How many drugs a person has taken for the conditions.
E. Life history including stresses and traumas.
F. What is found in the wellness evaluation.

The following protocols are used but not limited to:

I. The Adjustment: A) The five-sense reset. This adjustment mode enhances the five senses and retrains the brain and nervous system. Once the senses have been reset there is improvement in feeling, seeing, hearing, and the sense of smell and taste improves. B) Balancing the peripheral nerves. This is an adjustive procedure that improves the nervous system function and literally reprograms it to work better. C) Emotional stress. This adjustive procedure will improve reactions to stress, whether past or present, and allows a person to deal with stress in the future.

II. Therapeutic Procedures: Active procedures are introduced to increase range of motion, improve strength, improve flexibility. These are preformed with modalities such as low level laser, ultrasonic frequencies, vibrucussion, and active and passive movements.

III. Nutrition and Homeopathy. Specific nutrition and homepathy is carefully chosen to target the faulty parts of the body and nerve system to allow it to repair and heal from the inside out.

IV. Oxygen Therapy. Supplemental oxygen is supplied to the oxygen-starved brain and muscles. Oxygen stimulates brain activity, increase memory, boost concentration, raise energy, improves strength, detoxifies blood, alleviates muscle tension, improves cardiovascular activity, help irregular sleeping patterns, strengthens immune system, and helps healing. Oxygen supplies fuel to the brain.

V. Microcurrrent Therapy. There are points on the outside of your ear (auricular) that directly relate to parts of the brain and body. A very mild current on these points can help improve health conditions in other parts of the body and mind.

VI. Detoxification and Ion Cleansing. Ion cleansing and other detoxification methods are implemented to reduce toxins.

These new procedures are designed to offer a solution to the massive chronic health conditions that are plaguing the people of the United States. More are being developed currently. Only a limited number of people are accepted into this wellness program. Other home-instruction courses are being developed for people who are immobile and these will be available in the near future.

For further information please review the website at http://www.lindwellness.com or call 503-581-6846.

Salem, Oregon USA
# # #

We distribute health and wellness information; protocols, procedures, and advice to improve a person’s health.

Health Care?

August 24, 2009

Obama’s health care plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that is nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?

Wellness Clinic Salem OR

August 20, 2009

Wellness Clinic Salem OR

An introductory release from Lind Chiropractic Wellness describes each component of there wellness protocols. People new to the clinic are explained the six interferences and then they are evaluated on a multiple day series to determine their specific interferences. Steps then are taken over a period of time to remove them. Specific and individual protocols are used depending on the faults found.

The interferences are listed as:

1. Structure: The Body’s Electrical Lifeline
The nervous system is the body’s electrical system – it controls and manages all functions of the body. If a nerve is pinched by vertebrae that are out of place, then it is not functioning — it is subluxated. It is located in faulty brain and body patterns, and trauma in the muscles and joints. They are corrected through a series of gentle Chiropractic Adjustments. These adjustments address painful conditions and will allow the nerves to heal and an environment will be promoted that will help regain optimal health.

2. Electromagnetic Pollution: Introducing a New Stress
Electrical pollution is everywhere. Power lines, air wave communication, florescent lights, and computers – even hair dryers – are affecting the society’s health and energy. Many people feel weak, have headaches or just feel ill when they work in front of computers or under florescent lights. It is often electromagnetic pollution causing these feelings. There are new techniques that can reduce and eliminate the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution.

3. Allergies: Clogging the Channels
Allergies are very common such as gluten, pollen, dust, and mold. Allergies may interfere with health. The root cause of allergies can be determined and a new protocol called Allergy Elimination Reprogramming Technique is often very successful to reduce and rid allergies. These new methods are effective and are completely natural.

4. Detoxification: The Toxins, Poisons, and Debris
Toxins are everywhere now more than ever before. They often can’t be seen, tasted, smelled, or felt. 100% of people on earth have been found to have to have heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins, PCBs, or styrene in their body fat waiting to cause cancer and other diseases. Today there are medications in community drinking water. Detoxification is on everyone’s list. Cellular cleanse foot bath, homeopathic heavy metal detoxification, and powerful nutritional chelation are used in this clinic to rid toxins, cleanse, and restore body health.

5. Nutrition: Repair and Rebuild the Body
Nutrition is the soil for health. If a person is sick, the body is not rebuilding itself from the inside out. To heal the body needs the right nutrition and supplementation to the diet. This wellness clinic offers Specific whole-food based Nutriceuticals to give a correct combination of minerals, vitamins and enzymes that is optimal for each individual body’s chemistry. Unlike the typical commercially available products these supplements are formulated to guarantee results. Each person is specifically tested for the specific combinations their particular body needs to return and maintain an optimal state of wellness.

6. Emotions: Mind is More than Matter
Every physical condition has an emotional component. Stress, thoughts, and emotions are pure energy; some are high and intense and some are low and depressant. Health problems will reoccur over and over unless the underlying emotional components are discovered and corrected. Emotional Balance is paramount for wellness and may be one of the most important parts of maintaining a healthy life. New protocols are used to safely reduce and remove a toxic emotions.

In addition to these more protocols are being developed that enhance the clearing of each particular interference. More chronic health problems are developing in the United States than ever before so new and natural wellness protocols are fast on the scene to help rebuild health and well-being.

For further information go to lindwellness.com or call 503-581-6846

Ever wonder how young you can be before you get adjusted? Here is a five week old infant who came in with mom and grandma for his first adjustment. He was crying down the hall before he came in but just look at him…

Please comment on this!

Wellness Care Salem OR

August 12, 2009

Wellness Care Salem OR – An exclusive interview with a top wellness clinic in Oregon. One woman’s story.

Would you like to be our next interview? If you are a current clinic member and would like to speak about your experience to others please contact the clinic –

Headaches Salem Oregon Chiropractor

A common problem: headaches. I say common but it is certainly not normal. People have actually said to me: “you mean headaches aren’t normal? I get them all the time; I don’t know what its like to not have one.” There are actually people who don’t get them!

A headache can have many causes. Think about why the head hurts. Is it because of a drug? This is a common problem. A drug — supposed to be doing something else — is causing the blood vessels to constrict and then dilate and this causes a “pounding” inside your head. Look at the side effects of the drugs you are taking and see if one of them is a headache. (This includes coffee)

Another cause of may be nutritional. Your brain and nervous system are first priority in getting nutrition. No other system in the body has higher priority. The first things you eat in the day go right to your brain. If it’s junk, your brain may be starving and just trying to get nutrition somewhere. Where is supposed to get it? Changing your diet may be simple but once you get the appropriate nutrition your brain (head) won’t have to give you a symptom like a headache any longer.

Closely related to nutrition is what you may be eating that is causing your body to respond with a headache. An allergen such as gluten may be just enough stimulation that you constantly react to it and your body produces a headache as a reaction.

Have you ever responded with a headache when someone walks by with a powerful scent? Like it about knocks you over? Think about the chemicals traveling through your nostrils right up to your brain. The sense of smell — olfactory — is the only one that goes right into your brain without having to make connections anywhere else.

Smell is one of the most powerful neurological applications there is. That is why we use it in our wellness adjustment — it literally reprograms the brain. But the wrong kind of scent can cause a great reaction.

One other very common cause of headaches is a “pinch” of a nerve in the neck or head. Imagine you sleep with your head lying crooked on a pillow, or a quick turn of your neck, or a slip of your foot and misstep jarring your head. Your nerves are delicate and can become irritated. This is so common that everyone of us have had one of these pinches going on and a symptom of a headache. If the pinch is not fixed guess what…it just gets worse…the pinch and the problems associated with it: loss of neck motion, further interference to the nerve which, if you trace it, will cause organ/gland endpoint damage. Nerves innervate the body unless they’re interfered with. This is the magic of chiropractic — taking the pressure off the nerves, reducing the interference and allowing the body to return to normal. This is the real normal!

Can you see that taking a pill for a headache is not wise? Sure, short-term you can do this and get away with it. But you’re heading for trouble if you have to continue taking a pill to reduce your headache — you have problems that your body is trying to tell you.

Not just a headache but this applies to anything that goes on inside your body. There are people who are so in-tune that they can sense some things are “out-of-tune” and they’re not feeling pain—they just know by the awareness that they have placed on themselves.

Now, what’s really causing your headaches? It may be one or more of these I’ve listed. It may be even something else. Bottom line is that its time to listen to your symptoms, find the cause and get yourself on the road to wellness.

Nutrition Salem Oregon

August 7, 2009

Nutrition Salem Oregon

Nutrition Salem Oregon

Well here’s an experiment I thought you’d like to see. If what you eat is important then you want to take a look at this bread experiment. Four years ago I placed this “Wonder Bread” inside a baggy and put it on the board in our lobby.

Now, on July 18, 2009, someone placed a slice of Trader Joes Organic bread in a baggy beside it. Two weeks later I took this picture. The bread on the right is Trader Joes bread and it is all but molded. The molded bread has enzymes and other nutrients that the Wonder bread does not.

Fatigue and Energy

July 27, 2009

She was just getting by and then we increased her treatment protocol and everything changed!


Diet and Nutrition

July 23, 2009

The Difference between Diet and Nutrition

Diet is the routine of what you eat. Nutrition is the value of content of what you eat.

You can have a diet full of junk; it is still called a diet. Not a good one, but a diet nonetheless. Your diet is a general term and can range in quality. It is a category, a term used to define a group of food that you consume. Diet does not mean weight loss necessarily. You are on a diet with anything you eat. We call it your “diet” referring to the food you eat.

Nutrition is the quality of the diet or the food you eat. Nutrition varies in quality. You can have a nutritionally challenged diet or a highly nutritious diet.

There is much information about diets — some good, some okay, and some not even worth spending a moment on. What to do?

While you could spend a lifetime on the subject, and you should, there are only a few points you really need to know. Well-meaning people try to make the rules of diet fit their style of life or they want to bend the natural rules that govern a nutritious diet.

Hope this helps a little.

Dr Peter Lind