Protein Shake Rage

October 11, 2009

Protein drinks have become popular in our fastpaced
society, but aside from offsetting high carbs
or saving time, what are the health benefits to look
for in a protein powder?

Before you go to the local store and buy protein in
a can make sure to read the ingredients. The
protein powder should provide the amino acids
(the building blocks) for cell receptors, enzymes,
hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies, muscle
tissue, signaling peptides, cell repair and the
necessary precursors for thousands of other
biochemical reactions. Some protein powders have
SPROUTS from cruciferous vegetables that have 50-
100 times the amounts of disease-fighting
phytochemicals than actual plants themselves!

These are the best!

Some other benefits to look for: anti-inflammatory
support, weight support, detoxification support,
bone support, immune support and overall health

Here is how I make a shake for two people:
¾ glass filtered water
2 spoonfuls Stonyfield yogurt
½ cup frozen blueberries
¼ cup coconut
2 bananas
1 spoonful flax seed
Grind this in a Vitamix for 45 seconds then add:
2 scoops Total Green Protein
2 scoops UltraMeal

Then I grind again for about 20 seconds.

This is a great general health protein shake. I make
it about 3-4 mornings each week. The other days of
the week its eggs.

Now depending on what you want to accomplish
you can add any nutritional support that we have
in the clinic. For example, to increase immune
support add Total Bac-T or Total Multimune. For
inflammatory support add Total Inflam. For weight
support add Total Trim. For detoxification add Total
Systemic Detox. You get the idea.

See, you get it all and that’s just in the morning!
Total Green protein is $42 and gives 53 scoops.
That’s $0.77 per scoop of some of the best
concentrated nutrition on the planet. (It comes
from Wyoming)

I wouldn’t dream of offering you what I’ve seen on
the shelves in town. Some are like eating plaster.
Some are so overloaded with amino acids, to get
the ripped effect, that your muscles will go into
catabolism. Most protein powders have an
unconscious amount of fillers.

Total Green has whey which helps heavy metal
detoxification and is loaded with cruciferous sprouts
which protect against cancer. It has fiber and
suppresses appetite helps control blood sugar, and
weight. It has kelp that helps the thyroid and
adrenal glands. It helps support the immune system.

Do this a few times a week and enjoy good health.