Your Neglected Immune System (part 2)

November 24, 2009

COLON HEALTH — the four “R’s”
1. Remove bad food. You know what they are.

2. Reinoculate. You have to add supplemental
probiotics. Yogurt won’t do. We have a complete
array of billions of natural bacteria that comes in a
little capsule.

3. Replace. Digestive help comes as simple as adding
digestive enzymes for stomach and pancreas function
and a form of hydrochloric acid for your stomach. In
addition, your gall bladder may need support and it
definitely does need support if it’s gone (no, now your
liver does!) We carry all these nutritional

4. Repair. You may have “leaky gut” where your
intestines are so inflamed that you leak food particles,
bacteria, and other substances through it. Big trouble!
We may use glutamine or a formula called “Total
Leaky Gut”. You will have allergies that need to be

DIET — You may just have to change your diet again.
I’m going to bring this up the first of the year but get
ready: no grain, no gluten, no sugar, lots of fresh
vegetables, clean, high‐quality proteins and fats.

The very least you can do about diet is to reduce your
sugar intake! America has an addiction to sugar, fast
food, and a grain‐based diet that has made a nation of
carbohydrate‐addicts riding the highs and lows of
blood sugar swings. The average American consumes
200 pounds of sugar. Soon 1 out of 3 people will have
diabetes. Scandalous!

I see diabetes happen right in front of my eyes when I
watch kids ordering syrup in their coffee while having
a scone or French fries and sodas (for breakfast!!!)
Nothing could be worse. These kids are well on the
way to hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

When you have a daily sugar rush, your body cannot
maintain a stable blood sugar level over time. This is
called DYSGLYCEMIA. Dysglycemia weakens and
inflames the digestive tract, weakens the immune
barriers of the gut, lungs and brain, drives the adrenal
glands into exhaustion, sets the stage for hormonal
imbalances (premenstrual syndrome, polycystic
ovary syndrome, or a miserable menopause), clogs
the body’s attempts at detoxification, impairs fatty
acid metabolism, and slows general metabolism.

LOW BLOOD SUGAR — Hypoglycemia happens
when your pancreas pumps out too much insulin to
reduce the sugar in your blood (from your cereal,
pastries, pasta salads, and sugary lattes). What’s left is
a drop in your blood sugar. When this happens you
loose your short‐term memory, become grouchy and
explosive, and if you don’t eat too soon, become
fatigued and sleepy.

HIGH BLOOD SUGAR—Hyperglycemia happens
when you have too much sugar in your blood. This
condition is serious because now even when your
body pumps out insulin, your cells can’t take the
sugar. They may have become resistant to insulin. We
call this Metabolic Syndrome, Syndrome X, or Prediabetes.

There has been a chronic release of insulin
to battle your constant sugar intake but the cells are
so exhausted they refuse any more. You may feel like
you’re hungry all the time, even after a meal. People
will turn the extra sugar into fat and carry it around
their belly. I’m guessing that we’re close to 50% of the
population is in this category. You must repent of
your dietary ways or face more health challenges
because you are making the way for chronic diseases
to take hold.

With either hypoglycemia or insulin resistance, you
must change your diet! No exceptions! You cannot
continue eating what you please when you please.
You cannot continue missing meals or snaking on
sugar and starch. The worst thing you can do is eat
more carbohydrates. And do not, under any
circumstances, think you can eat sugar substitutes!
These are poisons and toxins to your body! You must
eat real foods that stabilize your blood sugar. It may
be challenging because of your sugar cravings and
addiction to certain foods, but after a few weeks your
body will change and you will start craving good
foods that are healthy for you. Stick with it!

STRESS — I talk about stress all the time. If you are
experiencing chronic stress you are overworking your
adrenal glands and profoundly affecting your
gastrointestinal system—weakening it. If your
chronic stress is not dealt with, you cannot heal your
leaky gut, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal
conditions. Most of us need adrenal gland support in
the form of some kind of adrenal supplement. Support
to your adrenal glands will in turn help take a load off
of the rest of your body. But, you must deal with the
stress. Stress is only of two origins: internal and
external. Sounds easy. What is going on in your life
that you can reasonably change to reduce your
external stress?

application in an office visit.

Let’s go back to the clinic. Nerves relate to muscles.
Muscles relate to organs. Everything is interconnected.
Even teeth are related to muscles and
organs. So far so good? Now get ready for some
amazing applications to all that we have discussed.
Here is the magic of muscle testing. If you have been
bad to your adrenal glands, asking them to pump out
more adrenalin than they should reasonably do in a
day or year, the muscles related to this gland are
probably not going to work as well. The gland has a
direct relation to its muscle. So if I test your gracilis
muscles and they are weak on both sides of your body
I might say to you: “You are under stress because
your adrenal glands are overworked because your
gracilis muscles are weak.” And if I test one of your
immune related muscles, the infraspinatous (related
to your spleen), and your lower trapezius (related to
your thymus), and they are weak on both sides of
your body, I might say to you: “You have an immune
system problem.” I won’t know how deep‐seated the
problems are but you are either under an infection
attack or beginning one. At this point I don’t know
what kind of shape your gut is in but if you are like
most people, it’s not great.

Back to the weak muscles. And by weak I don’t mean
I’m stronger than you. I mean when I test your muscle
it goes mushy. What has happened is that your muscle
circuit has blown. The muscle is a circuit breaker for
your glands and organs. When the muscle circuit has
blown, it has to be re‐set. Exercise won’t do this,
thinking about it won’t do this, pills won’t do this. It
has to be re‐set manually or with a laser on the
specific muscle point.

Before I re‐set the muscle I will test for a specific
nutrient or nutrient compound to help the circuit hold
and tell you to stop doing the things that you are
doing that have made this problem in the first place.
Is it possible to have multiple muscle circuits not
working? Yes, this is the way most of us are and why
we have all kinds of health problems. These muscle
weaknesses are the body’s clues that something isn’t

During an office visit, after the muscle reflexes are reset,
the glands and organs involved literally come
back to life and begin taking on their functions again.
Many times however, the circuits, muscles, glands and
organs have not been working for so long it takes
multiple times to re‐set and allow the body to heal.
Yes, you get to come back.

Your immunity begins with your digestive tract. It
doesn’t come in an antibiotic or vaccine. You have a
great built-in system for dealing with all the germs in
the world!

There are several other specific glands/organs that
help with immunity—spleen, thymus, adrenals, brain,
lymphatics to name a few.

The way we can check your immunity is to test the
correlated muscles. If we challenge a muscle while
asking the right questions your body will almost always
tell us what is wrong. It gives signs and symptoms that
we use to help you get better.

The most important thing you can do is live a lifestyle
that is helpful for your body to heal and repair.