Wellness Update

September 15, 2009

Your Newsletter is in the press and about to be delivered via mail to the comfort of your home any day. There is another motorcycle story that is going to be reprinted in the Oregon Triumph Newsletter next month. Also, a couple of other health insights and a wellness contest we’re all going to get involved with. This has never been done and I’m looking forward to it—a great way to get through the holidays and New Year, healthy. I know it’s too early to think about it but we’re all going to begin this next month.

The Flu:
It used to be that the flu season came and went without so much as a media blurb about it. Some people got sick, some didn’t, but we all got over it.

(The CDC lists 36,000 people die every year from the flu—what they don’t say is that most of these people die from complications of pneumonia and respiratory problems–the real number is less that 1,200 and those are the severely imununologically compromised).

Now, thanks to the media we all know when it will arrive—around the middle of September. Hey, that’s now. And you know people in masses run out and get the flu shot.

But here’s something they don’t know. When anyone questions you about you not getting a flu shot, have them read this article that just came out from Science News: “Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu”

I know I sound like a broken record but when you understand vaccines you either understand health or sickness.

In health,
Dr Peter Lind