Ever wonder how young you can be before you get adjusted? Here is a five week old infant who came in with mom and grandma for his first adjustment. He was crying down the hall before he came in but just look at him…

Please comment on this!

Wellness Care Salem OR

August 12, 2009

Wellness Care Salem OR – An exclusive interview with a top wellness clinic in Oregon. One woman’s story.

Would you like to be our next interview? If you are a current clinic member and would like to speak about your experience to others please contact the clinic –

Headaches Salem Oregon Chiropractor

A common problem: headaches. I say common but it is certainly not normal. People have actually said to me: “you mean headaches aren’t normal? I get them all the time; I don’t know what its like to not have one.” There are actually people who don’t get them!

A headache can have many causes. Think about why the head hurts. Is it because of a drug? This is a common problem. A drug — supposed to be doing something else — is causing the blood vessels to constrict and then dilate and this causes a “pounding” inside your head. Look at the side effects of the drugs you are taking and see if one of them is a headache. (This includes coffee)

Another cause of may be nutritional. Your brain and nervous system are first priority in getting nutrition. No other system in the body has higher priority. The first things you eat in the day go right to your brain. If it’s junk, your brain may be starving and just trying to get nutrition somewhere. Where is supposed to get it? Changing your diet may be simple but once you get the appropriate nutrition your brain (head) won’t have to give you a symptom like a headache any longer.

Closely related to nutrition is what you may be eating that is causing your body to respond with a headache. An allergen such as gluten may be just enough stimulation that you constantly react to it and your body produces a headache as a reaction.

Have you ever responded with a headache when someone walks by with a powerful scent? Like it about knocks you over? Think about the chemicals traveling through your nostrils right up to your brain. The sense of smell — olfactory — is the only one that goes right into your brain without having to make connections anywhere else.

Smell is one of the most powerful neurological applications there is. That is why we use it in our wellness adjustment — it literally reprograms the brain. But the wrong kind of scent can cause a great reaction.

One other very common cause of headaches is a “pinch” of a nerve in the neck or head. Imagine you sleep with your head lying crooked on a pillow, or a quick turn of your neck, or a slip of your foot and misstep jarring your head. Your nerves are delicate and can become irritated. This is so common that everyone of us have had one of these pinches going on and a symptom of a headache. If the pinch is not fixed guess what…it just gets worse…the pinch and the problems associated with it: loss of neck motion, further interference to the nerve which, if you trace it, will cause organ/gland endpoint damage. Nerves innervate the body unless they’re interfered with. This is the magic of chiropractic — taking the pressure off the nerves, reducing the interference and allowing the body to return to normal. This is the real normal!

Can you see that taking a pill for a headache is not wise? Sure, short-term you can do this and get away with it. But you’re heading for trouble if you have to continue taking a pill to reduce your headache — you have problems that your body is trying to tell you.

Not just a headache but this applies to anything that goes on inside your body. There are people who are so in-tune that they can sense some things are “out-of-tune” and they’re not feeling pain—they just know by the awareness that they have placed on themselves.

Now, what’s really causing your headaches? It may be one or more of these I’ve listed. It may be even something else. Bottom line is that its time to listen to your symptoms, find the cause and get yourself on the road to wellness.

Vaccines Salem Oregon

August 8, 2009

Country forces experimental vaccine on population

Many people assume that the vaccinations they receive are backed up by many months of extensive clinical trials and medical evaluation.

But regulators at the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in the UK are about to distribute a new swine flu vaccine that’s had a whopping FIVE DAYS of testing.

How about that for a reality check?

Vaccines in general are unproven, unnecessary, and potentially dangerous — and they’re the ones that have undergone clinical trials. I cannot believe that the government of Great Britain is actually about to start distributing a vaccine — for a form of influenza that is already little understood — without having it thoroughly vetted.

The EMEA says that clinical trials will be carried out — but that the swine flu vaccine will already be distributed while those trials are conducted.

So let’s say that the clinical trials do indeed discover that the vaccine has a serious side effect. Vaccines are not like cars with defective airbags. You can’t just recall a live virus that’s been injected into the bloodstreams of thousands of people.

It would be a man-made medical catastrophe.

Of course, the EMEA is claiming that all is safe, and that the current plan for the vaccine in no way compromises patient safety. How could they possibly know such a thing? Because they’ve already tested a “mock-up” vaccine to evaluate the results.

One official called the mock-up test “a detailed risk management plan,” adding that there is “quite a body of evidence regarding safety on the trials of the mock-up.”

I’ll keep my sleeves rolled down, thank you very much.

The swine flu vaccination program will be the biggest mass vaccination campaign in half a century. The British government has ordered enough of the vaccine doses to cover nation’s entire population.

I imagine the providers of these vaccines — the American Big Pharma firms GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Baxter Healthcare — are thrilled. Think of it: an entire nation’s worth of vaccines, approved by a government regulatory body in just FIVE DAYS!

It’s a Big Pharma dream!

When the national vaccination begins, the goal will be for each doctor to administer 30 vaccinations an hour.

At that point it will be too late should something go wrong.

Dr Peter Lind

Nutrition Salem Oregon

August 7, 2009

Nutrition Salem Oregon

Nutrition Salem Oregon

Well here’s an experiment I thought you’d like to see. If what you eat is important then you want to take a look at this bread experiment. Four years ago I placed this “Wonder Bread” inside a baggy and put it on the board in our lobby.

Now, on July 18, 2009, someone placed a slice of Trader Joes Organic bread in a baggy beside it. Two weeks later I took this picture. The bread on the right is Trader Joes bread and it is all but molded. The molded bread has enzymes and other nutrients that the Wonder bread does not.

Fatigue and Energy

July 27, 2009

She was just getting by and then we increased her treatment protocol and everything changed!


Cemetery Lane

July 25, 2009

 Peter Lind: Cemetery Lane


Isn’t this the most accurate sign you ever saw? I took this on my motorcycle trip when I was in Tye Valley, Oregon in Wasco County. I mean, once you get on Cemetery Lane you are at a Dead End on this earth.

In my living room a large clock hangs on the wall above the fireplace. I think about it: why would I have a clock there? There should be a beautiful piece of art or an ornate mirror or something very precious. But a clock? My daughter gave it to us so that’s one reason it’s there but when you think about it time is all we have. Money comes and goes. Friends come and go. Even family comes and goes. But time. Time is all you have.

Back to Cemetery Lane—Dead End. That’s your final road trip. We are all on that journey if you think about it. And all you have is the rest of the road. We’re all going down Cemetery Lane. How are you marking your time? How is your journey?

July09Motocycle 011This is a great shot of Mt Hood and this is in July. Still snow on it. It will mostly melt and the hikers will still hike. The air temp is cool so a great place to get outta the heat. You all from the east and south don’t understand the getting outta the heat.

Diet and Nutrition

July 23, 2009

The Difference between Diet and Nutrition

Diet is the routine of what you eat. Nutrition is the value of content of what you eat.

You can have a diet full of junk; it is still called a diet. Not a good one, but a diet nonetheless. Your diet is a general term and can range in quality. It is a category, a term used to define a group of food that you consume. Diet does not mean weight loss necessarily. You are on a diet with anything you eat. We call it your “diet” referring to the food you eat.

Nutrition is the quality of the diet or the food you eat. Nutrition varies in quality. You can have a nutritionally challenged diet or a highly nutritious diet.

There is much information about diets — some good, some okay, and some not even worth spending a moment on. What to do?

While you could spend a lifetime on the subject, and you should, there are only a few points you really need to know. Well-meaning people try to make the rules of diet fit their style of life or they want to bend the natural rules that govern a nutritious diet.

Hope this helps a little.

Dr Peter Lind

Tell me if it’s appropriate to listen to an ipod while riding motorcycle. One friendly cop in  Washington who stopped me and suggested a more appropriate speed to travel did not say anything when I took off my helmet and my earphones that was connected to my ipod. He would have told me if it was not appropriate.

I like to use the word appropriate.

Okay, what two songs should you not listen to while riding a motorcycle? These two came up and I told myself I shouldn’t listen to them.

The first song: Eagles–Life in the Fast Lane.

Second song: Elton John–Funeral For a Friend.

I think everything else is appropriate. Help me out with this…what about ipod and riding? You can wear earplugs…


It may sound like I’m overly concerned about our society’s love affair with vaccines but if you really understand what is in the shot you would share my opinion.

There are many facts about vaccinations that don’t make sense when looking from a wellness point of view.

A newspaper article a few months ago headlined: “Fall Flu Immunization Poses Challenges. 600 million doses for swine strain need to be given, side effects considered. Health officials said that a swine flu vaccination campaign could be only a few months away, and that as many as 60 million doses could be ready by September.”

So get ready…it’s coming this fall. You’re going to hear the usual “mandatory vaccines required” but you are going to hear how they’re going to give you a swine strain vaccine as well.

Keep this in mind: In 1976, 40 million Americans were vaccinated in anticipation of a new strand of swine flu. The pandemic never materialized, but at least 500 people who got the shots came down with a paralyzing condition called Buillain-Barre Syndrome.

This is just one kind of vaccine for a, did you get it, PANDEMIC THAT NEVER MATERIALIZED.

If you watch closely you will see how the drug companies sell their products—media and government hysteria. In this case a Swiss drug company Novartis, came up with a vaccine ONE DAY after the World Health Organization declared swine flu, a pandemic!

How did they do that? I learned in genetics class years ago that it takes months of viral growth and generations to get a strain to become stable enough to follow.  Then, testing. How in the world did they test its effectiveness? How many people did they test it on?

Do you remember Tamiflu—the vaccine that didn’t have a use? Not until the Avian Bird Fly epidemic (that we never experienced) became a popular news item. Tamiflu was developed many years ago but couldn’t be proven to work for the regular flu. Now if you have an epidemic or pandemic you have a very large crowd wanting something. What do they get: Tamiflu. Look it up in the PDR; it can’t be proven to do anything. Then look up all the side effects. This is craziness.

There are several ideas to think about in this swine flu frenzy:

1. The symptoms of supposed swine flu are indistinguishable from regular flu or from the common cold.  It does NOT cause death anymore often than the regular flu causes death. 

2. There is NO “pandemic potential” except in the minds of the media (TV, newspapers, movies, magazines), drug companies, and parts of the government. This pandemic will suddenly disappear.

3. The figures being reported for “Swine Flu” are not true.  They will say in the headlines, “60 people die from Swine Flu” but when you read the text of the article, you will see it is NOT 60.  In fact, only 12 have been “documented” and they don’t even say HOW they were “documented.”

4. The pharmaceutical companies, that will reap huge monetary benefits from this hoax, are part of the same cabal.  Baxter International, was recently caught red-handed sending vaccines contaminated with Bird Flu to 18 countries.

5. This “Swine flu” virus is undoubtedly another man-made virus – a hybrid of part “swine flu”, part human flu and part bird flu.  Something like that can ONLY come from a laboratory!

If you want an entertaining yet shocking look at this vaccine subject, go rent the John Le Carre’s novel-turned-video “The Constant Gardener”. It is about a drug company in Africa where they are testing experimental drugs on the poor villagers.

When it comes to your medical doctor recommending more than 68 injections to your child before they leave the nest, please, please, please do your homework.

Here is a short snapshot of true statistics you won’t see:

  • 1 in 6 children in the U.S. today has a neuro-developmental disorder.
  • 14% of American children today are enrolled in a learning disability program.
  • There are between 1 and 4 million autistic children in the U.S. today whereas in 1990 there were practically none.
  • The number of children with allergies has doubled in the past 10 years.
  • The rate of childhood cancer is increasing at an exponential rate to levels never seen before or imagined.
  • According to the CDC, 60% of children in the US are overweight or obese.
  • Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, asthma, MS and brain tumors among young people are skyrocketing

What has caused these? Well, what has changed the most in the past 20 years? In 1980, 20 vaccines were “mandated”. Today more than 68 vaccines are mandated. Besides food production, nothing else has changed. Please get the other side of the story.

Me on a corner in Washington

Me on a corner in Washington

This year’s group was made up of four chiropractors and a geologist and we couldn’t come up with the punch line for a joke we were trying to make: Four chiropractors and a geologist walked into…

We rode up through Washington and into Idaho and the last day began from Joseph and rode down through small towns like Long Creek, Mitchell, and Prineville. The last day we rode 450 miles — 12 hours on the road, which is 9 longer than, I prefer. But I had three insights that I pondered on this 1,200 mile ride.

Riding a ridge on the way to Walla Walla, Washington. This was one of the rare times I’m not looking at the scenery. It was a few miles down this very road that I had a nice, friendly conversation with a state trooper, who wanted to talk to me. He gave me some good, helpful advice while riding in Washington. In the Eastern part of the state where we were heading he said the Meth problem is out of control. College kids go to campgrounds and have parties and it wasn’t unusual to bust almost any group they came across.

The first lesson was about food. When you are on the road you often do not have choices you usually have so for the first time in about three years I had a cheeseburger and fries — for breakfast! I know. It was in Spray and burgers were the only food on their menu. Many people have these things every week, so what’s one every three years? I assumed that the beef was local because there were many ranches in the area. The hamburger that you get in fast food places is usually from South America and is mixed from several different farms. So my first lesson was; sometimes you just have to eat what’s on the menu. If you eat well most the time then the times when you have no choice will be okay. You’ll get by.

The second was also a food lesson — no a confession. I didn’t take my nutritional supplements on the last day. I know, I know. But here’s the thing: I woke up at 5 am and couldn’t sleep. I had this idea. So I had to wake everyone else up with this great idea to ride all day through the small towns and get back before all the other Memorial Day travelers. Do you feel as bad, like you’re missing a piece of clothing when you don’t take yours? So I didn’t take my supplements. It will be okay. When you take yours most of the time you will have built up reserves that you can tap into when you need to. If you never take nutritional supplements to vitalistically support your organs and body processes you don’t have the reserves. This is a strong reason why people get ill—they run out of reserves. Disease can now get a foothold. With sickness and disease all you have to do is look back over time to see what went wrong. One more thing about nutrition…please reduce and then stop your soda intake! Sodas are killers! Also, avoid ANY AND ALL fructose and corn sweeteners.

I spotted a house by a river. Did you read THE SHACK?

The next lesson was a reverence that came over me as we rode into Eastern Oregon on highway 3. We were riding the Nez Perce Trail. The road snaked along high ridges that overlooked the vast country. As I was taking some corners I was thinking about what happened on this very road. Mistakenly, I thought it was the Trail of Tears but I was not far off. Here’s the history:

The 1877 flight of the Nez Perce from their homelands while pursued by U.S. Army Generals Howard, Sturgis, and Miles, is one of the most fascinating and sorrowful events in Western U.S. history. Chief Joseph, Chief Looking Glass, Chief White Bird, Chief Ollokot, Chief Lean Elk, and others led nearly 750 Nez Perce men, women, and children and twice that many horses over 1,170 miles through the mountains, on a trip that lasted from June to October of 1877.

Forced to abandon hopes for a peaceful move to the Lapwai reservation, the Nez Perce chiefs saw flight to Canada as their last promise for peace. The flight of the Nez Perce began on June 15, 1877. Pursued by the Army, they intended initially to seek safety with their Crow allies on the plains to the east. Their desperate and circuitous route as they tried to escape the pursuing white forces is what we now call the Nez Perce National Historic Trail.

This route was used in its entirety only once; however, component trails and roads that made up the route bore generations of use prior to and after the 1877 flight of the nontreaty Nez Perce.

The walk out of the mountains the Nez Perce took was difficult physically. It was high and narrow and I can’t imagine packing your entire belongings and children and making this journey on foot, knowing you weren’t coming back home.

This was an emotional and even I think, spiritual journey. You can draw your own conclusions.

The town of Joseph was awe-inspiring. And of course, there were no hotel rooms available…it was a holiday weekend and we didn’t have reservations. But a few calls later and we ended up at the Wallawa Lake Lodge. After a dinner of salmon (from the river?), we found a campfire and brought it to life and had one of those “spiritual” conversations. You know the kind: God, religion, space-time, quantum physics, the universe… until the fire went out and we couldn’t see and had to stumble back to the lodge.

The book, THE SHACK, took place here. The lodge, campground, and up the mountain was the trail that lead to the shack. I had read the book several months ago and the images became vivid and the signs of life and spirit were everywhere.

You can’t see spirit but most people are aware of the presence of spirit. You can “feel” the spirit of someone or you can feel it of yourself if you tune into it. Many times we don’t talk about spirit but I think we all know its there. What do we do to nourish our spirit? What do we do to degrade our spirit? Does what we think, eat, or move help or hinder the spirit? Does it matter?

I’ve heard it said that we are spiritual beings walking around in physical bodies. But most of the time our minds are on the physical plane and rarely grasps things on the spiritual.

The third lesson from the ride was physical. It was during the end of the last day. After a few hundred miles of being hunched forward my elbows and wrists began to ache. A stop for rest became routine every 45 minutes but you can’t go far if you stop all the time. What to do…

Before we began the trip I threw some duct tape in my bag for that “just in case” event. I began thinking about it and on a stop in Sisters I taped a band right below both elbows. The band of tape took all the stress off my joints and I could ride longer, and at least get home.

The lesson: what do we do to take the stress off ourselves? The duct tape is like the things we can do in life to divert the stress. We all have it — the stress. What can we do to minimize the effects of it? Or actually this is just another use for Duct Tape.

Here’s a summary of the ride and really a new thought that might not summarize anything in this story.

You’ve heard “survival of the fittest”. But be warned: Charles Darwin and the proponents of population control use this idea to control nature and people. The chemical / genetic / pharmaceutical companies have written their own notion based on this faulty philosophy: “better living through chemistry.” These are reductionistic people and they want to break things down into parts to control the whole. This is without regard to the interconnections of the whole —|they miss the big picture.

Hitler studied Darwin and applied the idea of survival of the fittest with genocide. It won’t be the last time this happens. But in the world it is “those who adapt are those who survive.” It’s all about adaptability. You are where you are because of your ability to adapt. The measure of your life is your ability to adapt to the three major stressors that we all have to deal with: physical, chemical, and emotional. Dealing with these stresses is the solution to overcoming most health problems. You can’t exercise all week and slug down sodas and hamburgers, just as you can’t take nutritional supplements and be angry every day. You have to support all three of your body networks.

When you get this all figured out go out and take a motorcycle ride.

After riding 450 miles that final day home never felt so good. This was motorcycling at its finest.

Granola Bar Recipe

July 15, 2009

Now, the shake we posted earlier may not satisfy your appetite until lunch.
This is where the second recipe comes in.

I make these bars about once a week or two, on a Sunday evening usually as
I’m preparing for the upcoming week (before I iron my shirts).

I have been searching for a health bar recipe for a
long time. My sister‐in‐law sent me this and so far it’s the
best one I’ve found but we’d like to include any others. If
you have a bar recipe please post it.

Chewy Granola Bars
Mix together until well blended:
½ cup brown sugar (I use agave nectar)
2/3 cup peanut butter (organic)
½ cup honey
½ cup butter, melted
2 tsp. vanilla
Stir in:
3 cups quick oats
½ cup coconut
½ cup sunflower seeds, or nuts
½ cup raisins
1/3 cup wheat germ
2 Tbsp. sesame seeds
¼ cup flax seed
½ cup chopped walnuts
(optional) 1 cup chocolate or butterscotch chips (or ½ cup
of each)
Press mixture in a greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350
degrees for 15‐20 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool
completely. Cut into bars.

Breakfast Shake Recipe

July 14, 2009

The first recipe is a breakfast shake I make 3‐4 times each week (the other days I make eggs over easy‐no toast). I put all ingredients in my Vita‐Mix and grind for a minute, then add the powder. I don’t measure so the following is an estimate.

Breakfast Shake

two bananas

1/2 glass cold water

1 cup palmgranite juice

a few berries in season

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

1/4 cup shredded coconut

tablespoon ground flax

some organic yogurt

Mix for about a minute, then add these two protein powders that we can get for you:

2 scoops Ultra Meal (Metagenics)

2 scoops Total Green (Nutri‐West)

Blend lightly about 10 seconds. This will make little more than two glasses. I pour my wife a  glass and my daughter half a glass and I drink the rest. There is nothing better to begin your day. Of course I take my supplements and drink fish oil . . . yummy.

It is true that there is some ice cream that still comes from cows injected with the genetically engineered growth hormone rBGH (rBST).  This increases levels of pus and accumilates another growth hormone that promotes cancer that you get to eat.
Um, that last part isn’t so good. In fact, it’s intolerable and it’s time to inform the ice cream producers that allow rBGH (rBST) that we know what they’re doing and don’t like it one bit.
Breyers and Dreyer’s are by far the biggest two ice cream producers in the country. Dreyer’s, which includes Edy’s and Haagen Dazs, has about 25% of the market share. Breyers, which includes Good Humor, Klondike and Popsicle, has about 16%. Two other major companies that still allow rBGH are Nestle and Wells/Blue Bunny.
In the past five years there is an underground network that has sent thousands of postcards to such companies as Tillamook, Fred Meyer/Kroger, Safeway, Darigold and Alpenrose, asking them politely to go rBGH-free.

After seeing how much consumers wanted rBGH-free dairy, and calculating how much money they were losing by allowing rBGH, they all decided to go partially or completely rBGH-free. The same thing happened with Dannon and Yoplait over the past year and a half and both have announced they’ll be completely rBGH-free by the end of this year.

Who said you’re not part of change in this country?

There is a new postcare campaign underway directed to Breyers and Dreyers to get them to stop them from putting this growth hormone into their ice cream.

Find out which foods to AVOID and Get on board here:

No Hormones In My Ice Cream Please

Thank you for responding,

Dr Peter Lind

A Woman’s Health

July 9, 2009

Women’s life expectancy has increased from 47 years old in 1900 to 80 years old in 2005. This translates into nearly four decades of life after menopause! Hormone levels WILL change with age – this is irrefutable.

For millions of women in the US, it is time to get serious about hormone balancing and health optimization for the long-term. Each day 11,000 women turn 50 years old and within 10 years – 40% of the US population will be older than 60.

Many of these people are disenchanted with current health care system and are looking for alternatives. Just as you track blood pressure and cholesterol, it’s time to start tracking hormone levels.

That’s where we come in. We do Salivary Hormone Testing for you. It’s easy. You just pick up a kit at our office, dribble your saliva into tubes four times a day and drop it in the mail. In a few days we get a report and see where you are and what you need NATURALLY in the form of nutritional supplementation to bring your hormones back into normal levels.

Ask for it: 503-581-6846


Water Issues

July 6, 2009

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. This likely applies to half the world population.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%.

One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%. And, one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?


July 6, 2009

Sticking with health issues, a federal advisory panel recently voted to recommend a ban on Percocet and Vicodin, two of the most popular prescription painkillers in the world, because of the damage they can cause to the liver, the New York Times reports. 

Both drugs contain a narcotic combined with acetaminophen which, when taken in high doses, has been identified as a leading cause of liver damage. 

People who take Percocet and Vicodin for long periods often need higher and higher doses to achieve the same pain-relief effect, the advisory panel noted. 

The ruling doesn’t guarantee a ban from the Food and Drug Administration but this expert advise normally governs the agency’s thinking.  The panel also recommended that the recommended daily dose of Tylenol–one of Johnson & Johnson’s best-selling products and another that contains acetaminophen–be cut from 4,000 to 2,600 milligrams. 

The company said it “strongly disagreed” with the ruling.


So what’s good for the public isn’t good for the company. How many other issues are there like this? You would be surprised.

Health Care Nation

July 6, 2009

In Britain, the state provides most health care, via the National Health Service. Patients have almost no say over which physician, surgeon or hospital they can use, while professionals have to conform to government plans and targets.

After its birth in 1948, planners soon found that “free” health care multiplied demand. NHS founder Lord Beveridge predicted free health care would cut spending as health improved. 

The opposite was true. Between 1949 and 1979, it tripled in real terms. The service now costs twice as much as it did 10 years ago, with productivity down 4.5 percent. 

One way government tries to limit demand is to decree which new drugs can be prescribed. Many drugs, widely available in America and continental Europe, are denied to British patients. 

State mismanagement has also created waiting lines for hospitals, on average causing 8.6 weeks of waiting. Once inside, budgetary cutbacks on cleaning and maintenance mean higher rates of an antibiotic-resistant variety of staph infection. This “superbug” has turned even routine surgery into a lottery of death.”
 Seems like ‘free health care for everyone’ hasn’t worked out as planned.  What can US policy makers learn from these mistakes?