October 23, 2009

This is a newsletter is from a buddy of mine Dr Tim O’Shea; well worth reading.


addendum to 2 previous articles on swine flu

Although the H1N1 panic is at a fever pitch at this time, it’s a safe bet that by summer 2010 the swine flu issue will have faded off into the boneyard of vaccine memorabilia.

Remember you read that here.

Policymakers have well discerned that this particular illusion has a finite shelf life, due in no small part to the ever-shortening attention span of the collective American mentality.

We must recall that the commotion in recent years over smallpox, anthrax, SARS, and Avian flu lasted only as long as necessary for the drug and vaccine funds to be allocated. Once that happens, there is no longer any motive to continue to fan the flames of pandemic hysteria – a media campaign like that requires so much effort, and costs so much money to maintain, especially for a disease that never existed in the first place.

The template for this type of disease diversion is now firmly established – so why tamper with a working model? Our textbook refers to the abrupt media blackout which routinely signals the end of the line for these creations – we call it The Case of the Disappearing Threat.

Once it becomes evident that the vaccine and the drugs assigned to the current pandemic du jour, that these are dangerous and completely ineffective, the global threat itself, which has been hawked incessantly for months and months as the disease threat may bring the human race to extinction – is suddenly gone. Poof. Like it never existed. Just like.

And no one ever asks where it went, or thinks it odd that something presented so urgently suddenly vanished. And then magically no more cases of the horrible global killer are ever heard of again – not even one. This is precisely what took place not only with smallpox, anthrax, SARS, and avian flu phantasms of recent years, but with the 1976 swine flu vaccine disaster as well. Remember? One might be grateful for the good manners of these individual pathogens who were gracious enough to simply disappear just because we were unable to come up with any drugs of vaccines that actually worked. Such politeness.

Anyone paying even moderate attention to the parade of emergencies that have been making their appearance lately with almost routine regularity, might begin to be desensitized to the urgency of these situations, vaguely remembering that since they survived the last one, well they’ll probably survive this one as well. The slightly more vigilant might begin to notice that most of the programs result in a viable vaccine being developed, and thereby the threat to themselves and their families will eventually be neutralized.


This is exactly wherein lies the clear and present danger of the current swine flu vaccine program. This swine flu vaccine is actually being brought into existence for dissemination among the general public, starting with children. With 5 manufacturers having begun clinical trials only in August 2009, none scheduled for completion until next April, it is an astounding lesson in vaccine politics that the FDA approved the untested H1N1 vaccine on 15 Sep 09, just one month after the testing began!
[ http://www.sanofipasteur.com] Licensed and untested.

We see precisely the same sequence of events that led to the last swine flu fiasco in 1976 – 50 million were vaccinated with that untested vaccine. 21 deaths 565 paralyzed, withdrawn in 10 weeks. And never replaced. Never replaced – that’s the point. Why not? If the threat was so urgent that we had to start vaccinating before the vaccine was even tested, then where did that threat go? Why didn’t we just withdraw the toxic vaccine and then continue with researching and testing to develop one that worked?


With just a little research, independent of the popular media, a cognition begins to take shape in the mind of the discriminating reader, that there may be an ulterior agenda here, one that is not necessarily directed toward the overall well-being of children. If such a reader is a responsible parent, the next realization might be to change the default setting with respect to the decision to vaccinate. At present most parents default in favor of – when in doubt, vaccinate.

Many today are changing that default setting: no more vaccines until it is proven to me beyond a doubt that

– the vaccines have been tested and found to be 100% safe with no chance ofharming the child

– that the child absolutely needs the vaccine for optimum immune development

– there are no economic or political agendas involved in the vaccine being recommended

Change the default. It is becoming increasingly clear that natural selection will favor the lines of those parents who take these extra precautions to protect and safeguard the inner immunity of their children.

Who else is going to come forward?

The FDA, who does no testing of their own before making a decision, but relies entirely on the research submitted to them from the companies who stand to make billions in profits if the vaccine is approved?

The vaccine manufacturers, who have been granted 100% immunity from liability for any deaths or injuries? The other regulatory agencies – NIH, CDC, HHS – whose political connections to the vaccine companies are a matter of public record?

But that’s exactly what all the hurry, all the hyperbole, all the outright misdirection is about. They know that they don’t have time to come up with a fully tested vaccine – that would take a year. But by that time the imaginary disease will be gone, with no hope of raising it from the dead. The market is here and now. And everyone – the clinics, the manufacturers, the regulators, and the media – all want their share of the rewards.

Please consider all options
~Dr Peter Lind

Vaccine Ingredients

October 13, 2009


In 1976, health officials in US announced that 1 million would die from swine flu but it ONLY killed 1 person. Instead the vaccinations used caused the immune system to attack the nervous system causing “Guillain-Barre Syndrome” or GBS (French Polio). The result: 500 were permanently paralyzed, 52 immediately killed from the vaccinations at a cost $93 million in government payouts to US citizens.

In England, the UK’s Health Protection Agency head of Immunization, Professor Elizabeth Miller warned 600 neurologists that vaccines can cause paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal with death by suffocation. She stated “more people died from the vaccination than from swine flu; some 500 cases of GBS were found; vaccines may have increased risk of GBS by 800%; the US vaccine was withdrawn after just ten weeks when Government scientists confirmed the link with GBS…”

But, this wasn’t the only false scare: In 2003, health officials announced SARS would kill millions and it only killed 251 and in 2005, they scared us with the Avian Bird Flu saying it would kill 150 million and only 257 died (the truth of death in these individuals is questionable as they could have died from pharmaceutical treatments and not the influenza).

All this hype is strange since 500,000 die annually from the annual seasonal flu! Some experts are saying that Swine Flu is just another mutant seasonal flu. Award-winning UK journalist Lynne McTaggert stated: “By sheer coincidence, the US and UK have millions of dollars and pounds worth of Tamifu to hand, which they bought up to combat the avian flu that never arrived. And again, by sheer coincidence, the stocks of Tamiflu are very close to their sell-by date.” Scientists say Tamiflu has never been proven safe for those under 18 years nor can it or Relenza conquer today’s mutating viruses (New Scientist 2009 & Vaccine, 2002:20)? Even the prestigious JAMA journal stated this about Gardasil vaccine “No significant evidence of a vaccine therapeutic effect was observed in analyses….” In essence, it was exposed as nothing more than a grand medical hoax.

Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. proved that 50 to 60% of parents with autistic children were damaged by vaccines and Russell L. Blaylock MD, a world renowned neurosurgeon says the truth is published but – “Much of this information is buried in highly technical scientific journals beyond the reach and understanding of the average person. We are hearing the same cries of alarm from a similar lineup of virology experts. The pharmaceutical companies are busy designing a vaccine for the swine flu in hope that this administration will make the vaccine mandatory before another vaccine-related disaster can ruin their party…. Like SARS and bird flu before it, this swine flu scare is a lot of nonsense.”

Vaccination: The Deadly Ingredients Formaldehyde is oxidized to formic acid which leads to acidosis and permanent nerve damage — Mercury (THIMEROSAL) – 2nd most poisonous element known to man (next to uranium) — Ethylene Glycol; (AntiFreeze) leads to kidney, liver, blood & CNS disorders…fatal – Aluminum – neurotoxin and dozens of other toxins are in vaccinations –Squalene – Gulf War Syndrome and mutant and genetically engineered infections like mycoplasma were proven to be in vaccinations and the proof was published in medical journals.
Scientific Proof of Vaccination Dangers – A Harvard Certified Medical Education Instructor, Jeffrey Bradstreet, MD evaluated over 2000 children with neurological disorders and along with some of the most highly respected professionals in the country, including Dr Jane El-Dahr of the Tulane University Medical Center; Dr V.K.

Singh of the Utah State University Biotechnology Center; the University of Michigan Department of Pharmacology; Dr Vas Aposhian of the University of Arizona; Dr Anne Connolly of the Washington University Hospital; Dr Walter Spitzer of McGill University; the Department of Pediatrics at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Dr Jim Adams of the University of Arizona; and Dr Jill James, a former FDA researcher, now with the University of Arkansas, Department of Pediatrics has linked mercuryTHIMEROSAL to autism and all sorts of neurological disorders in children.

Yet, the FDA, CDC, and vaccine makers expect us to believe that this long line of highly respected University research is all fraudulent. Dr Boyd Haley, a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemistry with a joint appointment in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Kentucky published more than 110 articles in peer-reviewed literature on the toxic effects of mercury. Since 1989, he has researched mercury and neurological diseases (thimerosal).

Yet, his research is ignored. One has to ask: Why would he spend 25 years of his life conducting bogus studies, rendering fraudulent results and authoring 100 dishonest articles? Dr. David Ayoub, MD on the link between autism and thimerosal, stated, “I can state that the certainty of the science supporting mercury as a major cause of autism is probably more overpowering than the science behind any other disease process that I studied dating back to medical school.”

Lead researcher and pediatrician, Leonard Trasande, said annually, between 316,588 and 637,233 infants are born with umbilical cord blood mercury levels linked to IQ loss and about 4% of babies are born with mercury levels between 7.13 and 15 micrograms per liter which at that level, causes an IQ loss of 1.6 points.

Don’t let the Status Quo become your Status Woe


Forced Vaccines

August 27, 2009

After more than 30 years US District Court issues injunction to stop compulsory vaccination Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 – For Immediate Release:

30 years after compulsory vaccination became US Law: US Court issues an injunction to stop it and to hold the the government and drug companies responsible for reactions.

A Preliminary Injunction to stop mandatory vaccinations has been issued in the United States District Court of New Jersey. This comes after a federal lawsuit opposing forced vaccines was filed in that court by Tim Vawter, pro se attorney, on July 31st with the federal government as defendant. When the judge signs the Preliminary Injunction, it will stop the federal government from forcing anyone in any state to take flu vaccine against their will. It will also prevent a state or local government from forcibly vaccinating anyone, and forbid any person who is not vaccinated from being denied any services or constitutional rights. Vawter’s filings included a Complaint, and several pages of evidentiary Exhibits.

Vawter’s legal papers have been written not only for filing in federal court, but additionally so they can be looked at by activists around the world for ideas on filing lawsuits in their own countries to help stop forced vaccinations. Vawter believes that as the truth of the dangers of flu vaccines continues to become known, banning the forced use of them will eventually succeed on a worldwide basis. He cautions people to avoid fear and keep themselves focused on the task of blocking forced vaccination.

Preliminary Injunction will immediately halt mandatory vaccinations in the U.S.

The Court, having heard the Motion for Preliminary Injunction and read the papers in its support, states in the Preliminary Injunction that it appears the federal government has engaged in some amount of negligence with regards to failure to properly investigate the safety of the flu vaccines scheduled for use in late 2009-2010, and the evidence submitted does warrant a more thorough investigation into the safety of the flu vaccines.

The Court ordered that the government shall be forbidden from forcing any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice. The government will not allow any state or local government, or any party, to force any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice.

U.S. government sued for gross negligence and violation of the Constitution. In his Cause of Action, Vawter charged that the federal government has engaged in gross negligence by funding and promoting flu vaccines that are proven to be dangerous and manufactured with little oversight. The vaccines scheduled for use in late 2009 and 2010 contain heavy metals including thimerosal mercury, which have been proven to cause autism in children with lowered immune systems, and other dangerous and toxic ingredients. The federal government has stated it will force these flu vaccines onto the American public against their will, under a document signed by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

He further charged that the vaccine makers stand to earn billions of dollars selling vaccines, and are already spending tens of millions advertising a “Phase 6 Pandemic” that the evidence shows does not really exist. The federal government has not required the World Health Organization (WHO) to show evidence of such a pandemic. There has been no collection of facts, sworn testimony, witnesses being questioned, hearings being held, or lie detector tests being given when preposterous statements have been made. The WHO declared a massive “Phase 6 Influenza Pandemic”, even though only a few hundred people worldwide had so far died of this swine flu virus, and when far more people die each year of regular flu.

Vawter noted there is a preponderance of evidence to show that the federal government so poorly trained its employees that they eagerly agreed with the unsubstantiated claims of the WHO in the face of evidence to the contrary.

Forced vaccination would violate the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution by allowing the government to enter homes and force people to be vaccinated, or to forcibly remove people to another location for vaccination. It would also violate Fifth Amendment Constitutional rights by depriving people of liberty without due process of law.

Vawter charged that the federal government has engaged in gross negligence by failing to properly investigate factual evidence submitted by esteemed medical professions over many years which proves flu vaccines have caused serious damage to people. The CDC has stated that thimerosal mercury is being used in the new flu vaccines being prepared.

The government has failed to investigate profiteering. Billions of dollars in vaccine sales can cause organizations to falsify threats so as to cause unwarranted public hysteria leading to forced vaccinations.

The government is guilty of gross negligence because its employees failed to properly investigate the release of a case of live swine flu virus. One of the main companies the government deals with, Baxter Vaccines, was apparently involved in the transporting of live bird flu virus that was released on a public train earlier this year. A lab technician with the Swiss National Center for Influenza in Geneva had traveled to Zurich to collect eight ampoules, five of which were filled with the H1N1 swine flu virus. However, failure of the dry ice in their container allowed pressure to build up, and the ampoules exploded as the train was pulling into a station.

The highly reputable UK newspaper “the Telegraph” reported on July 2nd that flu vaccines tested on homeless people caused twenty-one of them to die. Vawter charged there is a preponderance of evidence to show that government will not provide people being vaccinated with a list of the vaccine ingredients and possible negative side effects before they are vaccinated. Most of the public will not know this flu vaccine contains thimerosal mercury.

Vawter submitted an Order to force the government to publish vaccine ingredients and side effects, and to give this information to everyone who takes a flu vaccine, and do so at least 3 days prior to their vaccination. A denial of this order would violate Plaintiff’s rights to demand the government obey the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by requiring it to engage in freedom of speech. The First Amendment not only allows a citizen to have freedom of speech himself, but it allows a citizen to demand his government engage in freedom of speech when it is promoting the use of such as these vaccinations to the public.

The government proclamation stating a person cannot sue for any damages he receives from the flu vaccine, completely bypasses the congress and the court system in violation of the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution which grants the right to sue to recover for damages. Vawter submitted an Order to deem unconstitutional any proclamation, rule or similar law that forbids people from suing for damages resulting from the vaccines of 2009 and 2010.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for writing to us on this important topic. At this time in
Oregon, there are exemptions allowed for mandatory vaccines. In the
case of a pandemic emergency, the Governor’s declaration would override
the exemptions. We understand how this is disturbing when one considers
Constitutional Rights. The executive decision would be for the good of
the public health as determined by evidence and science. Currently, the
H1N1 vaccines are still in trial. I have read that the neurological
side effects that were discovered in association with the Swine Flu
Vaccine in the 70’s are not evident in this vaccine. It also appears
that the virus is fairly benign for most of us except children and
pregnant women in addition to those who have prior respiratory
conditions. Given the facts that the virus is fairly benign and only a
third of the actual needed number of vaccines will be produced by
October, it does not appear that there will be a mandatory vaccination
on the horizon for now.

We appreciate your active citizenship on this issue. Please feel free
to contact us again. We will be watching the issue closely.
Representative Cameron is very concerned about public health/safety and
your Contitutional Rights.

Mattie Day
Legislative Assistant
Rep. Kevin Cameron

Prevent Pandemic Vaccines!

August 25, 2009

Take Action! Help Prevent FDA from Approving Pandemic Vaccines for Use on All of Us Absent ALL Safety Testing

1. Say “NO!” to Forced Vaccination

Join the New Citizens Petition! Stop FDA Approval for Untested Vaccines

At last! An effective and powerful legal action with the potential to stop the FDA’s planned approval of Swine Flu Vaccines without any, repeat ANY, safety testing. Three far sighted health freedom leaders have banded together to take action to protect us all and invite your help, and your organization’s help, too.

2. Join in: Demand FDA NOT Approve Vaccines Before Completion of Safety Testing

Remember: Take Actions 1 and 2 Once for Each Member of Your Household

Dr Peter Lind

Vaccines Salem Oregon

August 8, 2009

Country forces experimental vaccine on population

Many people assume that the vaccinations they receive are backed up by many months of extensive clinical trials and medical evaluation.

But regulators at the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in the UK are about to distribute a new swine flu vaccine that’s had a whopping FIVE DAYS of testing.

How about that for a reality check?

Vaccines in general are unproven, unnecessary, and potentially dangerous — and they’re the ones that have undergone clinical trials. I cannot believe that the government of Great Britain is actually about to start distributing a vaccine — for a form of influenza that is already little understood — without having it thoroughly vetted.

The EMEA says that clinical trials will be carried out — but that the swine flu vaccine will already be distributed while those trials are conducted.

So let’s say that the clinical trials do indeed discover that the vaccine has a serious side effect. Vaccines are not like cars with defective airbags. You can’t just recall a live virus that’s been injected into the bloodstreams of thousands of people.

It would be a man-made medical catastrophe.

Of course, the EMEA is claiming that all is safe, and that the current plan for the vaccine in no way compromises patient safety. How could they possibly know such a thing? Because they’ve already tested a “mock-up” vaccine to evaluate the results.

One official called the mock-up test “a detailed risk management plan,” adding that there is “quite a body of evidence regarding safety on the trials of the mock-up.”

I’ll keep my sleeves rolled down, thank you very much.

The swine flu vaccination program will be the biggest mass vaccination campaign in half a century. The British government has ordered enough of the vaccine doses to cover nation’s entire population.

I imagine the providers of these vaccines — the American Big Pharma firms GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Baxter Healthcare — are thrilled. Think of it: an entire nation’s worth of vaccines, approved by a government regulatory body in just FIVE DAYS!

It’s a Big Pharma dream!

When the national vaccination begins, the goal will be for each doctor to administer 30 vaccinations an hour.

At that point it will be too late should something go wrong.

Dr Peter Lind


It may sound like I’m overly concerned about our society’s love affair with vaccines but if you really understand what is in the shot you would share my opinion.

There are many facts about vaccinations that don’t make sense when looking from a wellness point of view.

A newspaper article a few months ago headlined: “Fall Flu Immunization Poses Challenges. 600 million doses for swine strain need to be given, side effects considered. Health officials said that a swine flu vaccination campaign could be only a few months away, and that as many as 60 million doses could be ready by September.”

So get ready…it’s coming this fall. You’re going to hear the usual “mandatory vaccines required” but you are going to hear how they’re going to give you a swine strain vaccine as well.

Keep this in mind: In 1976, 40 million Americans were vaccinated in anticipation of a new strand of swine flu. The pandemic never materialized, but at least 500 people who got the shots came down with a paralyzing condition called Buillain-Barre Syndrome.

This is just one kind of vaccine for a, did you get it, PANDEMIC THAT NEVER MATERIALIZED.

If you watch closely you will see how the drug companies sell their products—media and government hysteria. In this case a Swiss drug company Novartis, came up with a vaccine ONE DAY after the World Health Organization declared swine flu, a pandemic!

How did they do that? I learned in genetics class years ago that it takes months of viral growth and generations to get a strain to become stable enough to follow.  Then, testing. How in the world did they test its effectiveness? How many people did they test it on?

Do you remember Tamiflu—the vaccine that didn’t have a use? Not until the Avian Bird Fly epidemic (that we never experienced) became a popular news item. Tamiflu was developed many years ago but couldn’t be proven to work for the regular flu. Now if you have an epidemic or pandemic you have a very large crowd wanting something. What do they get: Tamiflu. Look it up in the PDR; it can’t be proven to do anything. Then look up all the side effects. This is craziness.

There are several ideas to think about in this swine flu frenzy:

1. The symptoms of supposed swine flu are indistinguishable from regular flu or from the common cold.  It does NOT cause death anymore often than the regular flu causes death. 

2. There is NO “pandemic potential” except in the minds of the media (TV, newspapers, movies, magazines), drug companies, and parts of the government. This pandemic will suddenly disappear.

3. The figures being reported for “Swine Flu” are not true.  They will say in the headlines, “60 people die from Swine Flu” but when you read the text of the article, you will see it is NOT 60.  In fact, only 12 have been “documented” and they don’t even say HOW they were “documented.”

4. The pharmaceutical companies, that will reap huge monetary benefits from this hoax, are part of the same cabal.  Baxter International, was recently caught red-handed sending vaccines contaminated with Bird Flu to 18 countries.

5. This “Swine flu” virus is undoubtedly another man-made virus – a hybrid of part “swine flu”, part human flu and part bird flu.  Something like that can ONLY come from a laboratory!

If you want an entertaining yet shocking look at this vaccine subject, go rent the John Le Carre’s novel-turned-video “The Constant Gardener”. It is about a drug company in Africa where they are testing experimental drugs on the poor villagers.

When it comes to your medical doctor recommending more than 68 injections to your child before they leave the nest, please, please, please do your homework.

Here is a short snapshot of true statistics you won’t see:

  • 1 in 6 children in the U.S. today has a neuro-developmental disorder.
  • 14% of American children today are enrolled in a learning disability program.
  • There are between 1 and 4 million autistic children in the U.S. today whereas in 1990 there were practically none.
  • The number of children with allergies has doubled in the past 10 years.
  • The rate of childhood cancer is increasing at an exponential rate to levels never seen before or imagined.
  • According to the CDC, 60% of children in the US are overweight or obese.
  • Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, asthma, MS and brain tumors among young people are skyrocketing

What has caused these? Well, what has changed the most in the past 20 years? In 1980, 20 vaccines were “mandated”. Today more than 68 vaccines are mandated. Besides food production, nothing else has changed. Please get the other side of the story.